Society of the Divine Infant Jesus

Welcome to the Society

Established in 2007, the Society of the Divine Infant Jesus is a missionary society dedicated to preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, the revealed truths of the faith that have come to us from the apostles. We offer liturgical services in honor of the Divine Infant Jesus, a complete Biblical Studies Course, Funeral Services for deceased Christians and spiritual counseling.

All services are provided by an ecclesial minister who possesses at least a graduate degree in Theology and Christian Ministry.

E-Mail us at if you would like to schedule or book:

  • a Funeral Service for a Christian loved one either at a Funeral Home or graveside.

  • a seat in our Biblical Studies Course -- a complete course in Sacred Scripture which examines the Old and New Testaments, teaches what the substance and essence of the Bible is and how to accurately interpret Sacred Scripture and apply it to your life!

  • a spiritual counseling session; sessions are provided to help you (or a loved one you know) establish "where you're at" in your movement to communion with God or help those in spiritual need. Anyone in any condition, especially senior citizens, the aged, sick and dying (or young and middle-aged people in need of guidance spiritually) are invited to schedule a session.

  • dynamic sessions are also provided to assist anyone who desires to experience an authentic conversion to Jesus Christ and climb the "Three Steps to Heaven -- Steps that Lead to the Source of Love," established by our founder, Michael Ruggiero, Minister, M.A. in Theology and Christian Ministry.

  • a time for our minister to visit a loved one (whether sick or dying or in need of ministry).

E-Mail us today at or call 518-286-0120 for more information and/or to schedule your desired service.

***To learn more about or request "Three Steps to Heaven..." (or if you're responding to a recent invitation to do so), E-Mail us today at